The Cortex entorhinalis (Entorhinal cortex) is not included in TA; for description, see Braak H, Braak E (1992 The human entorhinal cortex: Normal morphology and lamina-specific pathology in various diseases. Neurosci Res 15:6-31. The Substantia reticularis alba (White reticular substance of Arnold) is the white matter surrounding the darker patches of Layer 2 cell islands. The Verrucae hippocampi (Hippocampal warts) are located above these cell islands and described by Retzius G (1896 Das Menschenhirn: Studien in der makroskopischen Morphologie. Norstedt, Stockholm) and Klingler J (1948 Die makroskopische Anatomie der Ammonsformation. Denkschr Schweiz Naturforsch Ges, Vol 78, Fretz, Zürich). They mark the surface of the Entorhinal cortex.